IN Christ We Stand

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

John 16:33 KJV

There's definitely nothing more I can add to the Word of God, but I'd like to encourage us through this verse of scripture.

We are living in UNCERTAIN times. Even when everything seems to be going as we plan and life is "good". Times are uncertain. We live in an uncertain, temporary world. 

God created us to be His hands and feet in this earth. Not to get comfortable here, because this world is truly not our home. So, while we live in the world, Jesus told us, in this world we WILL have tribulation. We will. We can live in expectation of it. There's no way around it. We need NOT be fearful when things come upon the world. His Word tells us troubles will come. 

Our part is to STAND in what we know to be the truth of God's Word. Not to lean on earthly things to be our comfort and substance, but HIM. Even in uncertainty, we have a FIRM hope in what Jesus says. BE OF GOOD CHEER. Any and everything that comes, He has ALREADY overcome it. ALREADY. 

He's already won the victory over the things that have and are YET to come upon the earth. When we stand in the confidence of that fact, nothing can shake us. The Lord's church is an unshakeable church. Being rooted and grounded IN His Word is where we find hope, comfort and peace in the midst of every storm. 

He never promised that we'd never have troubles. Just the opposite. He TOLD US that we would. His Word is our preparation. His Word is our true guide and direction. His Word is our CONFIDENCE. We can STAND with our face set like a FLINT toward the trials of this life and KNOW that Jesus has overcome it all!!!

He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.

Psalms 62:6 KJV

We cannot allow ourselves to be MOVED by the things of this WORLD. We have to move the WORLD by our STAND for TRUTH. We, if we are the true people of God, have to be just that. Confident in HIM. Standing in HIM. Not leaning on the things of this world to fulfill our lives and to be our hope, but KNOWING that even if this whole world fails, that JESUS never will. He's our all in all. One day this world is going to surely pass away. But Jesus...

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Psalms 61:2 KJV

He is our ROCK on which we can stand IN. We have a steadfast hope today and every day. No matter what may come, we will STAND as THE CHURCH and make ourselves ready as His bride!


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