Cry the Tears

Can I tell you something sweet friend? It's OK to cry those tears you've been holding back while trying to be strong for all those you love. 

It's ok to NOT "have it all together". It's ok to have weak moments. It's ok to feel those feelings. We are, after all, human. When we deny ourselves those things, we're simply postponing the inevitable. 

We're GOING to have moments where we feel totally and utterly out of control of every part of our lives. And you know what? THAT'S OK. There are going to be things we face that are the most painful we've ever felt. There are going to be people who hurt us to our very core. Reject us, betray us, abandon us. And you know what? THAT'S OK. 

You know why it's ok? It's because we don't put our trust, our hope, our faith in ANY of those things. In any of those feelings. In any of those people. In any of those situations. We put our trust in JESUS. The Author and FINISHER of our faith. 

Our lives are FULL of temporary things. Temporary feelings. Temporary situations. But it's the ETERNAL value of who we're placing our trust in that carries the most weight. 

Where are you placing your trust? Your hope? Your faith? 

Those tears? It's ok, cry it out. Just know that when the flow of tears stops, you still have a loving Father who is there for you and with you in every step. He sees every weak moment, every scar, every ounce of grief, every burden. And can I tell you something? All those things don't make him love you any less. In reality, your tears actually cause Him to draw closer to you. 

His Word says He is close to the BROKEN HEARTED. Can I be honest? I've been in that broken heart place since my Grandfather passed away. There have been moments that I've felt my heart would cave under the grief I feel at times. BUT GOD. He has carried me through. Even in the times where I've just wanted to run from His presence instead of INTO IT, He's still been right here with me. Bringing me comfort through it all. 

Cry the tears. Be vulnerable. Be weak. Be broken hearted before the Lord. Run into His presence with your weaknesses and let Him replace them with HIS strength. Storms don't last always. Cry it out and watch how the Lord will show you that in your weakness is where HE is strong.


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