Faith That's Tested

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

James 1:2‭-‬4 KJV

COUNT it ALL joy, when you FALL INTO (are suddenly attacked by), divers (many kinds), of temptations (testings).

We know that the trials and the temptations/ testings come BEFORE the TRIUMPH! Testings are producing something! They are producing ETERNAL FRUIT! Things that easy times and times of comfort could never teach us.

Our faith CANNOT be counted as true faith if it is not tested. Yes, there will be things that come our way that will battle our minds, our thoughts, everything we believe in. But it's during those times that we not only discover what we truly believe, we discover WHO God is!

Tests come to prove our faith and ultimately strengthen it. Our faith is dead faith if we're not EXERCISING it! Can we call our faith in God true faith if we're never presented with an opportunity to prove it? What do we do when those tests come? What is our initial reaction? If our initial response isn't out of faith in God, our faith needs some TESTING.

Testing shows the level of our knowledge. When tests come, and THEY WILL, our KNOWLEDGE of who God is should drive us to walk through that test and not be hindered by it.

I believe God gives us tests that are beyond our level of knowledge so that we can GROW INTO that next level of faith He has for us to step into. He is growing us in every step He asks us to take. If He's calling you to increase your level of faith, that means he has BIGGER and BETTER things headed your way and He wants your faith to match what He's walking you into!

Your faith must be BIG to receive BIG things! He's doing a NEW thing! Receive it!


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