What Makes a Rainbow

Today while visiting my Papaw at the hospital, I was in my car before walking back in, and it started to rain. Well, the sun was still shining too, so naturally I start to search for a rainbow. I didn't see one while walking back in, and I didn't see one when I made it back to his room. God has taught me SO much about faith recently. So, I'm still searching for the rainbow, because it's still raining AND the sun is still shining. Still, no rainbow. I told my Mamaw, sometimes we just have to see things through eyes of FAITH.

Our natural eyes want so bad to SEE things. We want to see our promises come to life. We want to see all the things WE think our lives lack.

How often do we stop and just go ahead and thank the Lord for those things we want to SEE? After prayer a few nights ago, the Lord impressed me with a question. "How can you say you have faith if you only believe what you see?" I was in awe for a few seconds. I was like wow God, you're so right. It gave me such a revelation about faith.

We want to see those promises, but are we so focused on the natural that we can't see beyond it to what God is doing in the SUPERnatural? Faith doesn't operate in the flesh. Faith doesn't operate in the SEEN. Our flesh wants nothing to do with faith because it's not EASY to believe in things our eyes can't SEE.

We see the sunshine and we see the rain, and when there's no rainbow, we think well, God has forgotten about me. My friend, God has not forgotten you, if he's given you a promise, you better believe he's going to bring it to pass. Even if you can't see your rainbow, when you know the creator of it, you know it's already there. Whether you can SEE it or not.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18 KJV


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