Walking When We Feel Like Running
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 KJV
If we don't learn to wait on the Lord, we'll RUN ahead of Him and become weary and faint. When we run ahead of Him, instead of walking IN TUNE with Him, we run right out of HIS perfect will into our own. When we're out of His perfect will, we're also absent of His provision, power and strength. When we make the choice to run at our OWN pace, rather than the Lord's, we're operating strictly by our own might. I don't know about you, but I need the Lord to lean on! I need his strength to make it through. I know first hand what it's like to run at break neck speed in the wrong direction, simply because I was impatient and thought MY plans are what mattered.
Only when we choose to slow down and allow Him to do the work in our lives that He longs to do for us, can we walk in HIS power and for HIS glory. Walking in His perfect will is like nothing else in this world. There's no peace like it. There's no reassurance like it. There's no comfort like it. He walks with you and talks with you. Simply because we make the choice to stop and listen to what He's saying.
Rushing through life to attain OUR goals in OUR timing, the majority of the time leads to temporal success. Only when we follow GOD'S perfect plan for us will we walk in and into the things that have EVERLASTING worth.
What a comfort it is to know that Jesus cares for us so much that He not only WANTS to bless us, but that He helps us to realize OUR part in bringing those things to pass in our lives. He blessed us with free will for a purpose. He loves us so much that He gave us the CHOICE to love Him in return. He doesn't force His hand. He doesn't "require" anything of us in order to gain with Him, He just wants our whole heart, our whole lives, every part of who we are. After all, He did it for us.
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