Trusting God
Think about this. If we have only met someone once, then we don't know much of anything about them. When getting to know someone, we also come to know their character. In order to know someone's character we must spend time with them and communicate with them. Even by doing those things, still, it's only over a course of time that we come to know the deepest parts of who they are. We're not going to be able to just look at someone or know that someone exists in order to know their character.
The same goes with God. If we don't spend time in his presence, if we're not taking time to read about him in his word, if we don't know the ways that he has laid out for us to live by, if we haven't gone through trials and times that we truly needed him to be WHO he is, then how will we ever know him?
It's in those times that we NEED him to be WHO he is. In the times that we NEED to draw closer to him because of what we're facing is HOW we're going to come to know him for who he is. If we never faced anything that required God to be WHO he is, how will we ever truly know?
If we never face situations where God is our one and ONLY source, how will we know him as a provider? If we never face situations where HE is our only hope, how can we know him as our anchor in the storm? If we never face sickness, how can we know him as our healer? These are the times where he wants us to draw near to him. So that we can learn of him. So that we can come to know him how only HE can show us.
When we come to know him, is when we can truly put all of our trust in him because we know him to be faithful and true and pure and holy and righteous and just and every good thing. Then we will know that when we put our trust in him that he has already worked out everything that we could ever face. He has already gone before us and provided a way through everything that we could ever go through. To know him is to love him and to know him is to trust him. But in order to trust we first have to KNOW. How well do you KNOW him?
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