My Friend Jesus
I want to talk about my friend Jesus. His love ... My, my, my ... There is NONE other like it. He gives it to us so freely. It is a gift, one we must RECEIVE to feel. At any given time, Jesus is standing, waiting for us to seek him. To feel him. To receive what he so freely gives us. When we aren't open to his love, we are in all reality pushing him away.
We think other things or people in this world can satisfy the hunger and thirst inside of us, that only the Lord himself was meant to fill. We fill that space with temporary things hoping to FEEL some type of satisfaction, while never truly receiving it. Temporary things are much easier. It's easier to fill the voids in our lives with things and people. It's quicker that way. When in all reality, the reasons why we feel those "voids" are issues that lie much deeper than any temporary fix could ever come close to touching.
What is it in your life that you so desire? Are you filling that void with the love of Jesus? or are you looking to other things and people? I'm here to tell you my friend that the love that only Jesus can give is the one and ONLY love that will give us that deep, inner peace and steadiness that only he can give. Otherwise, we're simply putting a band-aid over an issue that actually requires "surgery".
No, spiritual heart surgery is not fun. There's things in our hearts sometimes that the world plants there. If we let those things take root and grow, they become much bigger and will eventually overtake all we do and say. If not dealt with and surrendered to God's loving care, we'll never truly be healed.
HIS love is healing. It's a covering. It's peace. It's steadfast. It's unshakeable. It's never changing. It's overwhelming. It's unlike anything on this earth. It's a gift, waiting for us to open up to receive it.
Will you allow him to heal you with his love? Will you allow him to take away everything that's hindering you? Will you allow him to cover you in his peace? He SO desires to be your one and only. WE have to want him back.
I hope you know, how VERY much you are loved and cared for. Let him in to really show you what it feels like. ❤
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