He Binds Up Our Wounds

As we go throughout life, there will be seasons where we come face to face with some hurtful things. I don't mean your feelings are hurt for a minute or two then you get over it. I'm talking about deep wounds. Hurts that we never see coming.

Wounds come in many forms. Maybe it came to you in the form of a loss of something or someone you love. Maybe it came to you in the form of losing everything you thought to be valuable. Maybe it has come to you in the form of an unmet desire. Maybe it's the fact that you have lost loved ones. Whatever the case may be, we have ALL been hurt deeply in one way or another.

Allow me to shed some light on those wounds, those scars and those places where most of us would just prefer to keep them hidden. It's easier that way. Hiding our wounds and scars makes them easier to cope with right? Or does it just prolong the healing process that the Lord SO desires to help us through?

What wounds do you have that need a touch from God? What is it that has happened or that you fear happening again that is keeping you from opening up that part of your heart to the Lord?

We may not realize it, but it is ultimately OUR choice whether we surrender to healing. Healing isn't something that just happens. Healing is a process. Sometimes and most times, a LENGTHY process. Everyone has their own walk with God, but we all serve the same HEALER.

My process won't look like yours, and your process won't look like mine, but we all must face our wounds and scars if we are ever to be healed of them. Otherwise, when we allow those things to grow inside of our hearts, not only are we causing the pain to grow, but other seeds will be planted there and grow too. Seeds of bitterness, unforgiveness, resentment, and the list goes on.

The enemy would love nothing more than for us to allow the things that "happen" to us in our lives, to cause us to become someone we're not. We can't hold onto the pain that will always come our way. We live in a fallen world. There is no escape from it, but there is ONE that WILL be right beside us, to hold us up, to carry us through, to be our strength and to be our healer.

He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

Psalms 147:3 KJV

What a promise we have in JESUS. That no matter what we could ever face, no matter how broken we feel, no matter how small we feel, no matter how wounded we are, that JESUS is right there to heal us. To bind us up, and carry us by his grace until we are made strong again.

Let the healer cover your every hurt. Give him every care. Surrender it ALL to him. He's waiting to set you free.


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