
When your miracle is about to be birthed, hell will send forth a RESISTANCE.

Resistance: the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.

Our adversary and his imps would LOVE nothing more than to talk us into or make us believe that God has just forgotten about us. That God doesn't hear our prayers. That he's blind to everything we're going through and if we aren't careful, we will fall prey to all his lies.

One of the BIGGEST distractions I've found that will distract you and discourage you right out of believing what God has IMPARTED and PLACED IN your heart: a naysayer.

Naysayer: a person who habitually expresses negative or pessimistic views.

People in your life have the power to SPEAK into your life. Even God's word says that the power of life and death is in the tongue. It is SO important that we stay in tune with what THE SPIRIT is saying, and what God has shown us. Not the negativity that comes our way through people that mean us no good.

The enemy WILL send people to our lives, STRICTLY for the purpose of discouraging and distracting us from HIS purpose and plan for us, BUT we don't have to accept it! Don't believe the lies of the enemy. Don't allow their words to destroy all God has planted in your heart. Don't allow the negative voices of the enemy to drown out the voice of God!

Pay attention to God's word. Seek him EVEN more in prayer when you're in a fight. Seek him and you will find him and you will find what the voice of TRUTH is saying. If what someone is saying to you doesn't align with what you KNOW God has spoken to you and shown you, DON'T LISTEN to them!

Yes, words can hurt us at times. Yes, people can cause our faith to waver, if WE allow it! Stand on God's promises! Stand on his word! Hold onto everything he has birthed inside you! Your miracle is YOURS! You'll have to put up a fight for it, but God will send in the reinforcements right on time. He never promised it'd be easy, but he did promise to be with us through it all.

Avoid every distraction and cling even tighter to your miracle!!!


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