Answered Prayers

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Matthew 21:22 KJV

Do you have prayers you're waiting on answers for? I'm sure we all do. We've all prayed and have faith for the things we're praying and seeking God for. What comes after we pray that prayer? Will we still BELIEVE? Even when it doesn't look like our answer is anywhere in sight?

God doesn't work on OUR time frame. His ways are high above our ways. His thoughts are high above our thoughts. When we pray, we can't bring God our petitions and expect him to work in a way that suits US. No, we have to pray, believe in faith and ask for God's perfect will to be done.

I think surrendering OUR will and what OUR flesh wants is probably one of the toughest things to do. When we allow God to take control of the situations in our lives that are completely OUT OF our control, is when and only when he can work.

He wants us to trust in his unfailing love and his unfailing ability to bring ALL good things to pass in our lives. He wants us to trust that he has the very best of intentions for us. He wants us to trust that his plan is far greater than our own. He wants us to trust that he and only he can write the most beautiful story in our lives. If only we trust and believe.

Maybe the seeds you've planted in prayer haven't begun to bear fruit yet. Don't give up on your harvest before your season to reap arrives!

But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Romans 8:25 KJV

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Galatians 6:9 KJV

We can't faint before our DUE season! Your season that has been long due to you is coming! I believe it for you! Wait on the Lord! Be of GOOD courage! He SHALL strengthen your heart! Hold onto EVERY promise because HE. IS. FAITHFUL. Not sometimes, not only when things are good, not only when things are going our way, but ALL THE TIME. He is great and greatly to be praised. Hold on my friend, HOLD ON!


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