Missing the Forest for the Trees
Just because God is ABLE to work in BIG, AWESOME, AMAZING, AWE-INSPIRING ways, doesn't mean that's the ONLY way he works or speaks to us.
ALOT of the time, he's in the SMALL details and in that still SMALL voice. If we're constantly looking for only big things, or shouts from God, we can miss out on what he's trying to say.
Being in tune with his spirit and what he's saying to us is so very important. He speaks to us sometimes in the smallest of ways but that will actually make the biggest impact on not only OUR lives but others.
In my own life, here recently, God showed me something in a dream and as soon as I opened my eyes, that still SMALL voice spoke loudly to me. I didn't understand until later what it all meant but God did reveal it, in a SMALL but still big way.
We can't get so caught up in our day to day routines that we can't hear or see when God is speaking and working for us, around us and through us. He wants us to be his AVAILABLE vessels. Willing and ready to be used by him to help others, to pray for others, to be a light to someone.
I pray going into this new year that we all become closer and closer to God. That we seek him and his perfect will and purpose for us. That we get so in tune with him that at any moment, he can speak and we hear him. Whether he speaks in a loud, audible way or whether it be in those still, quiet moments.
Lord help us all to be a sanctuary for your spirit to dwell and operate. Prepare us Lord for your service and what YOU would have us to BE and DO. Send us where you would have us to GO.
It's all about Jesus, don't miss the forest for the trees!!!
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