Graceful Growth
Thinking back to this time last year, all I can think to say is WOW. The Lord has done so much in my life. Most of all, he's helped me to grow leaps and bounds from the person I used to be.
He's given me understanding in the place of confusion. Healing in the place of hurt. Wholeness in the place of brokenness. Love in the place of loneliness.
He has shown me what it means to be beautifully imperfect. I was and still am a work in progress, as we all are. I've come to just be still and know that even though Christie's plans, hopes and dreams may not have come to life yet, God is God and all he needs from me is my trust.
He needs us to be open to what he's doing IN us, and in our lives. No, it may not look like what WE thought our lives would be, but that's perfectly ok. God always has greater plans. We don't have to understand, we don't have to see, we don't have to feel. As long as we have him, we are safe in his care.
Maybe you've walked through some tough times this year. Maybe this year has been the best yet for you. Whatever your situation may be, God is working ALL things together for your good. He will bring to pass all his promises. He will complete what he begins. He will bring you into ALL he has for you.
If there's ONE thing that I've come to know, without a doubt, it's that GOD IS FAITHFUL. Even when we can't see, when we walk by faith, he strengthens us in the process.
Where we were once weak, we'll realize we've become strong. Where we once felt hopeless, we'll find that ALL our hope and our ONLY hope is in Jesus Christ. Where we once felt confusion, we'll feel peace. He's our steadfast anchor in every storm. Our strength at all times, our first love and our best friend.
He has become more than just my savior and the one who can "solve all my problems". He has become everything to me and he can be the same for you. Take the time, get to know him. Let him in. Every step is worth it.
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