Faith Full
Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 KJV
He. Will. Do. It.
Not maybe, not might, but HE WILL. It is impossible for God to break a promise. It's impossible for him to go against HIS word. I'm sure we ALL have had times in our lives where God has shown himself faithful beyond measure.
In the times when he's asking us to be patient, it's easy to believe that we're going to be in the same situation indefinitely. We've got to set our sights higher.
If we are to ever have any kind of victory and progress in our faith walk, we've got to deny ourselves and our own thinking. We have to lay hold of, claim, proclaim and BELIEVE in every promise he's given us through his word and his vessels.
He's SO faithful and he loves us SO much. No matter what path you may be walking today, know that somewhere down the road, God has a blessing, a promise, a breakthrough for you. Just waiting for you to reach it and take hold of it.
Don't give up, don't lose hope. Keep marching on with Jesus every step of the way. He is faithful to bring us ALL good things. In HIS perfect timing. Trust his timing, trust his ways, trust him.
He is GOOD and he is FAITHFUL.
Be blessed!
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