We can't ever put our expectations in man or anything in this world. If we do we're setting ourselves up for disappointment, heartbreak and failure. That's not to say that we should never pursue or have healthy relationships with people. God blesses our lives with people who will add to it, not take away from it. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that even though, we have some awesome people in our lives, still our expectation should be in God, not them. We are flesh. We are prone to make mistakes. We are prone to fail. It's just our human nature.
But God's nature is perfection. He is the only one that can give us what our heart deeply desires. He's the only one that can satisfy our deepest longings. And when we put those kinds of expectations on PEOPLE, that we should only expect from a perfect God, then not only are we setting ourselves up to be disappointed but we are putting people and things in a position that only God can fill. Furthermore, we're putting OURSELVES in a position in the other person's life that only God SHOULD fill.
If we have no one but God, we should be perfectly content with that and if we're not, we have to get back in prayer and seek God and allow him to fill us and renew us again. If we're not COMPLETE and WHOLE in GOD ALONE, we surely won't find it elsewhere. Only when we allow GOD to complete us can he bring other relationships to our lives that will BUILD UPON what HE and HE ALONE has already completed IN US.
My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.
Psalms 62:5 KJV
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