2017 Lessons and Blessings
Not long from now, we will enter into a new year. I'm not one for resolutions, but I do like to look back over the year and all God has brought me through, all he's taught me and all he's blessed me with.
I wanted to take some time and share all I've learned through 2017. Wow, what a year.
Things I learned in 2017:
Things don't make us rich, experiences with God do.
ALL our hope is in Jesus.
There are some hurts/scars/wounds that only the spirit of God can heal.
God will not force his hand, we have to be willing to reach out for it.
It's in our greatest times of loss that we indeed gain the most in God.
Our times of weakness, make us stronger.
Our trials test, try and ultimately strengthen our faith. Without a test, there's no testimony.
The storms aren't meant to destroy us, but to teach us to TRUST that our anchor holds, in spite of it.
Our hurts can and will be replaced with hope when we are open to the healing process.
Betrayal teaches us to lean on God alone.
God will turn our tragedy into triumph.
What was meant to harm us, God will use for our good.
There's ALWAYS a LILY in the valley.
Resistance builds our spiritual strength.
The Word, praise and worship are our greatest weapons in the heat of the battle.
Though we fall, we WILL arise.
Seasons change and every one of them is only temporary.
It's not by our own might, it's not by our own power, but by the SPIRIT of the Lord.
God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
My expectation is in God alone.
God will never leave us nor forsake us.
If God is all we have, we have all we need.
Our faith MUST be stronger than our fears.
God's timing is perfect.
He cares about even the smallest details of our lives.
Doubt has no place in the life of a child of God.
God not only hears our prayers but desires to answer them.
His promises are sure and steadfast.
There's nothing greater than the peace of God.
God not only speaks loudly, he more often speaks in that still, small voice.
Though he slay me, yet I will praise him.
No matter what, God. Is. Good.
Our circumstances don't change the goodness of God.
God is sovereign and his ways are far above our weak, fleshly ways.
A grateful heart in the midst of trying circumstances will carry us through.
What God has set in order, no person can stop.
It's not people we fight against, it's our enemy working through them.
We have to fight for what God has given us.
No matter my lot, he has taught me to say, it is well with my soul.
I have learned in whatsoever state I find myself in, therewith to be content.
I'm sure I could sit here and go on and on about the goodness of God and how he has kept me, how he's been faithful to me and how he has carried me, how he's been my strength in my weakest moments, but I will end with this...no matter what, God is so very good. He's worthy of all praise. He's worthy of all glory and all honor. He gave his life for me, so that I could live free. I will spend my life in thanks and praise to him for all he's done. In 2018 and forever. I look forward to all God has for each one of us.
Tomorrow is a new year and the start of a new week. Let's make the most of what God has given us and go be soul winners, FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!!!!!
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