You Are Worth It

Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Luke 12:6‭-‬7 KJV

God created every living thing, including us. Alot of times, I don't know about anyone else, but in my own life, I've battled with knowing my "worth" or "value". It's been quite a process for God to rid me of those feelings. When things happen to us, maybe as part of our past, it's so easy to just continue in that frame of mind.

That's why it's SO important for us to continually study his word. His word gives us truths to stand against the lies that the enemy would love for us to believe. If we're constantly in the mind frame that we don't "matter" then that sets us up to fail at the task that God has called us to do. So, of course our enemy wants us to feel that way. Why even bother right? WRONG.

God calls us HIS. He is our Father and we are his children. Just like an earthly Father cares for and loves his children, our Heavenly Father loves us SO much more. More than we can even begin to fathom. He knows every single hair that's on our head. He knows the smallest details about us and our lives and he CARES. When we learn to accept his love and care is when we can give it away to others.

He didn't create us to feel defeated and bound by how WE feel about OURSELVES. We are most times our own worst enemies. We see ourselves through our own very limited sight BUT GOD, he sees us as BEAUTIFUL. He sees us as worthy of love. He sees us as his chosen ones. He sees us as his sons and daughters. He sees us at OUR worst and still gives us his BEST.

What an awesome God we serve. He doesn't sit on his throne and look down on us, he wants us to come up higher and sit WITH HIM in heavenly places. He wants us to see things from heaven's point of view. He wants us to look in the mirror and see a CHILD OF GOD. Worthy, valuable, whole and chosen of him.

So today, rest in his love and know that he cares for you and loves you more than you can imagine. Regardless of how you FEEL, KNOW this truth of who you are.

You. Are. His.


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