When the Breaking Builds
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
Ecclesiastes 3:3 KJV
When the breaking BUILDS. Think about that. How can something BROKEN build anything? How can WE go from our time of God "killing" things in our life to HEALING? How, when we feel so broken can we be BUILT UP? It is all in GOD'S time.
When God sees things within us that he knows are going to cause our temple to fall, he has to break us ALL THE WAY DOWN. Back down to the foundation. Sometimes he has to bring us back to him, to reground us on THE solid rock.
Walking through life, things of this world try to attach themselves to us, to hinder us, to weigh us down, to tarnish us, to make us less than what God has called us to be. Though we may never understand his ways of perfecting us, we do have to trust his perfect will and plan for us.
You will see the purpose behind your pain. You will see how he's building you UP, NEW from a fresh foundation. You will see how all the tests and trials did not come to harm you, but to help you and perfect you in your walk with him. You will feel his love wrap all around you when you decide that you're ready to rise up and be built again.
God gives us his grace when we need it the most. He sheds his love on us when WE fully accept it. When we no longer look to the things of THIS life to give us that satisfaction that our soul desires.
Even if we don't realize it, he's building us continually. Through it all. He's shaping, molding, breaking and building us. Take each moment and learn of him. Draw close to him. Allow his love to fill every broken place. Allow HIM to be enough. Be content in HIM and him alone.
He. Is. Enough.
If everything around us seems broken, HE is whole and fully complete and in HIS time, he will build us back up. Stronger, wiser and complete in him.
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