
Some things in life we are not meant to understand. Some of us go through life trying to find meaning and purpose behind everything. Some of us try to understand other people's way of thinking and why they do the things they do. But it's been my experience that if it doesn't affect me and my every day life (not in a selfish way) then I'm not going to waste my time worrying about it or trying to understand it. Reason being is that just our days alone have enough worry of their own.

Matthew 6:34 says
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Let's focus ourselves on the things we can change. As far as the things or people we can't change, FAITHFULLY pray for them. Nothing great is accomplished overnight. Great things take time and dedication. Especially when it comes to changing a life. Pray for that person. Don't waste your time and energy on trying to talk them into something they don't want to do or change about themselves. If you faithfully pray for them, over time God will touch their hearts and lives in a way only he can. Prayer is the best form of encouragement and support. In my own life, I know there have been times that God has touched me as a result of someone's prayers. With that being said, I encourage everyone to PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING, WORRY ABOUT NOTHING. Great things come to those who are faithful to God and faithful in prayer for the ones they love. I have family members that it hurts my heart to see them living the life they're living, but I know one day, with God as the healer they need, he will touch their lives and bring them to where they need to be. Encourage the ones you love, pray for them and with them, show them you have faith in God and faith in them. That will make the biggest impact on them. More than any negative comment or persuasion would ever have.

I've been going through some emotions the past couple of days. Thinking about people, and worrying about them. But the God I know and love has them in his hands and is fully able to be everything they need and more. My worry list gets shorter every second that I pray to him. To him I'm forever grateful for being my rock and fortress when my emotions get the best of me. I love you all and encourage you to embrace him when he reaches his hand to you. He will give you the peace and joy you desire.

Love always,
Christie Hope :) 


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