The Narrow Way

Along the road of life, so many things that we never imagined would or could happen, happened. Some of those things have caused us hurt, happiness and every emotion in between. What matters along that road is how we react to the obstacles in our way. Will we give up and not even try to make it past them? Or will we overcome them no matter how hard the struggle? That is the deciding factor in being great or being just good enough. Strive for greatness, don't be the latter. No matter how hard your circumstances may seem or how tough it is to make it through, press on. You have a God that can move mountains. Faith the size of a mustard seed is enough. During those times where it's hardest to have faith is when it counts the most. It's easy to have faith during the good times but during those rough and tough times, still praise him and walk that narrow road. Along the narrow road is where the blessings lie. So fight the good fight of faith and stay strong through your trials and tribulations. God will bless you for it. And when you don't have the strength to fight, he'll fight your battles for you. Just let go and let God. He'll see you through anything and everything. 


I was feeling a little down about missing my family back home and the road I've traveled from there to where I am now. This blog is inspired by my journey. Hope it helps you along yours.

Love always,
Christie G.


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